What is Apostling?
What do we mean by "apostling"?
This is not a common word in any language-- partially because it is based on a Greek transliteration and therefore, for most of us is a "made-up word". So a little explanation is in order.
Let me first dispel any misconception by emphasizing what "apostling" does not mean. By "apostling" we do not mean that it is our intent to raise up Apostles (with a capital 'A'). The Apostles were a group of disciples sent by Jesus and endowed with special powers to authenticate the message of the Gospel as it was spread throughout the known world in the first century. We believe and affirm that the Apostolic age came to an end with those men and that even though many disciples have continued to share their message-- they lack their apostolic gifts. We realize many churches use the term "apostle" to refer to their preachers, elders and leaders and we do not begrudge this-- as long as a clear distinction is made between them and the original Apostles, and as long as the unique powers gifted those Apostles are not claimed by those who use the label. Furthermore and emphatically, the term "apostling" in no way refers to or affirms the so-called "apostolic-succession" claimed by the Roman Catholic papacy.
Rather, "apostling" is taken from the Greek word "αροστελλω", which in its verb form simply means "to send" and as a noun refers to a "sent one". As a participle, which adds the sense of "ongoingness" to the sending, the English translation would be something like "apostling". Thus, our term. The reason Jesus' Apostles were called such was because Jesus personally sent them. ("As the Father has sent me so I send you", John 20:21). But even though they were gifted with unique powers, the "sent ones" were not unique in being sent. All Christians are sent into the world to share the good news about Jesus. And so, the Gospels are full of references that true disciples of Jesus should be deeply involved with the work of "apostling". The way we interpret that is simply that all disciples are called to be both "sent ones" and "senders". The commission of the church is to shine the light of the Gospel in our dark and fallen world, and to raise up and send others who will continue the process of Kingdom building in the generations to come. This was the clear design of Jesus for His disciples as expressed in the Great Commission and passages such as Matthew 24:14.
And so, this site is dedicated to "apostling". To provide resources designed to raise up and send out disciples. To explore the "one-two" punch of evangelism (proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and authenticating it with true Christ-like living). Towards this end we are supplying sermons, transcripts, and other multi-lingual resources we hope will aid pastors and lay leaders in this endeavor-- to teach and apostle (send) convicted and dedicated Christians in the world to share the Gospel and the love of Christ.
This, as we read it, was and is the clear desire and design of our Lord.